Saturdays @ 9:30am
Max out your training efforts with bootcamp classes.
Please familiarize yourself with our cancellation policy, as this policy does apply to this event.
Self Defense and Rape Protection
Date/Time: TBD
Involves personal defense advice regarding options in the face of an assault. Promotes de-escalation of a hostile situation, emphasizes spatial awareness, proper mindset, and techniques from which to choose if one decides to fight back in order to create a “window of opportunity” for escape.
Class will involve instruction of various striking techniques during which opportunity is given for all interested to make full contact on proper training equipment.
Class will also briefly cover a variety of attack scenarios and defensive tactics which could be effectively used against an assailant.
Instructor Smith uses an effective yet light-heartedly fun approach which has brought smiles and accolades from many previous participants of all ages and skill levels.
Please familiarize yourself with our cancellation policy, as this policy does apply to this event.
Nutrition Seminar
Date/Time: TBD
(Once a month)
Interested in learning more about how you can take control of your eating habits. Register now for this free seminar. (Limited seats available!)